Sunday 24 August 2014

Day 7

Wow, we've finally reached the 7 days mark! and it only took us 3 months!


We spent pretty much the entire day working on the graphics

Movement works fine. I've got to write up a whole lot of server code before we can progress much further.
We spent a good while experimenting with different code for drawing the walls.  We currently have a few minor graphics bugs. The basic maze-war style drawing algorithm has some places where it fails, even on properly generated maps. I might do a post explaining where/why these bugs occur.
Apart from that, we're pretty happy with the aesthetic of it. At some point we'll clean up the graphics a little, make sure lines connect, but probably nothing too major.

The drawing code works at any resolution with any aspect ratio.

We're on break again for a couple weeks so with any luck we might get some more work done on it over the next two weeks...

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