Friday, 16 May 2014

Day 5 and interlude

Server progress

I went and finally got us a Linux VPS. After setting up all the SQL stuff on the server (which all had to be done in terminal, which was SUPER fun), I tried running the server code on it, which immediately started having errors. It worked perfectly on my laptop, but threw null pointer exceptions on the server. Took me days to figure out what was wrong - it was the simplest, stupidest error. Anyway, long story short, that's fixed and the server code for logging in and registering is running perfectly.

Client progress

Kate finished up a lot of the menu code. Apparently, it's pretty much completely working. We ran into all sorts of problems with menu transitions, and switching between android activities.

Progress is pretty much temporarily halted since university is back on, but I'm pretty determined to finish this as soon as possible.

The next steps will probably be making the login and register parts of the menu functional, getting some basic game graphics displaying and actually starting to make the game, both client-side and server-side.

Right now, we're all completely swamped with university work. Here's hoping we make some progress before the end of next week...

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